Aitekenov, SultanGaipov, AbduzhapparBukasov, Rostislav2021-10-202021-10-202021Aitekenov, S., Gaipov, A., & Bukasov, R. (2021). Review: Detection and quantification of proteins in human urine. Talanta, 223(Pt 1), 121718. medical research showed that patients, with high protein concentration in urine, have various kinds of kidney diseases, referred to as proteinuria. Urinary protein biomarkers are useful for diagnosis of many health conditions – kidney and cardio vascular diseases, cancers, diabetes, infections. This review focuses on the instrumental quantification (electrophoresis, chromatography, immunoassays, mass spectrometry, fluorescence spectroscopy, the infrared spectroscopy, and Raman spectroscopy) of proteins (the most of all albumin) in human urine matrix. Different techniques provide unique information on what constituents of the urine are. Due to complex nature of urine, a separation step by electrophoresis or chromatography are often used for proteomics study of urine.enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United StatesUrine proteomicsBiomarkersHuman serum albuminImmunoassaysMass spectrometryFluorescence spectroscopyREVIEW: DETECTION AND QUANTIFICATION OF PROTEINS IN HUMAN URINEArticle