Valagiannopoulos, ConstantinosGangaraj, S Ali HassaniMonticone, Francesco2020-03-312020-03-312018-09-03Valagiannopoulos, C., Gangaraj, S. A. H., & Monticone, F. (2018). Zeeman gyrotropic scatterers: Resonance splitting, anomalous scattering, and embedded eigenstates. Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology. scattering effects (invisibility, superscattering, Fano resonances, etc) enabled by complex media and metamaterials have been the subject of intense efforts in the past couple of decades. In this article, we present a full analysis of the unusual and extreme scattering properties of an important class of complex scatterers, namely, gyrotropic cylindrical bodies, including both homogeneous and core–shell configurations....enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United StatesScatteringgyrotropyZeeman effectplasmonic resonancesembedded eigenstatesZeeman gyrotropic scatterers: Resonance splitting, anomalous scattering, and embedded eigenstatesArticle