Collins, Neil2021-08-252021-08-252020-09-08Collins, N. Campaigning by Human Branding: Associating with American Presidents. Fudan J. Hum. Soc. Sci. 13, 495–515 (2020). branding has become an essential issue in political marketing. It is exemplified in the election of American Presidents. This paper examines the American experience to suggest a typology of human branding that may apply in both presidential and other political systems. It examines examples of presidential human brands from George Washington on but, given significant changes to electoral procedures, concentrates on first-time successful presidential candidates since 1901. The fourfold typology offers an interrelated set of ideal types that will augment the analysis of human branding. It is applied to presidents when they take up office rather than after serving. The typology draws on the source of primary brand association and relation to the core political system of each politicianenAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United StatesHuman brandingBranding by associationUS presidential electionsTypologyPolitical marketingType of access: Open AccessCAMPAIGNING BY HUMAN BRANDING: ASSOCIATING WITH AMERICAN PRESIDENTSArticle