Nalibayeva, ArailymBishimbayeva, GaukharSaidullayeva, SabinaKopbaeva, MariyaVerkhoturova, SvetlanaArbuzova, SvetlanaGusarova, NinaKydyrbayeva, Uldana2018-09-062018-09-062018-08-08Nalibayeva, Arailym., Bishimbayeva, Gaukhar., Saidullayeva, Sabina., Kopbaeva, Mariya., Verkhoturova, Svetlana., Arbuzova, Svetlana., Gusarova, Nina., Kydyrbayeva, Uldana (2018) Prospects for using a new phosphorus-containing extractant in uranium technology.The 6th International Conference on Nanomaterials and Advanced Energy Storage Systems. Institute of Batteries LLP, Nazarbayev University, and PI “National Laboratory Astana”. compounds are widely used in industrial hydrometallurgical processes as extragents and complexes of color, noble, rare-earth metals and transuranium elements [1]...enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United Statesuranium technologyProspects for using a new phosphorus-containing extractant in uranium technologyAbstract