Miller, Richard2015-08-102015-08-102013-06"This paper presents some practical lessons in leadership and governance learned during the establishment of Olin College of Engineering in Massachusetts. Olin College embraces academic freedom and shared governance, but does not offer tenure to faculty members nor does it maintain academic departments. Governance is by a Board of Trustees that includes both Founding Trustees (who provided all initial financing and may serve for life) and others who have fixed term limits. Several topics are examined, including: the continual need for board education in academic culture; avoiding micromanagement by the board on one hand, and disengagement by the board on the other; and the problem of establishing shared values and vision. Leadership is an art, and is vastly different from management. Governance is also an art, requiring patience, wisdom, and a willingness to take reasonable risk in order to achieve world class results. There is no certain formula for success. It is a complex human process requiring constant improvisation, intense commitment and patience, and a healthy measure of good fortune." --enACADEMIC FREEDOM, SHARED GOVERNANCE AND LEADERSHIP IN EXCELLENT ACADEMIC INSTITUTIONSArticle