Makoelle, TsedisoMerwe, MP Van Der2016-11-162016-11-162014-07Makoelle, Tsediso., MP Van Der Merwe (2014) Educational change and inclusion: lessons from a collaborative action research. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences. Vol 5 No 14 is a global reform process to change education towards inclusive education. This process is sometimes complicated because the process of developing practices of inclusion often involves a change in teacher beliefs, attitudes and practices. This paper therefore attempts to draw lessons from collaborative action research and teacher collaboration in implementing change towards inclusive settings in a selected secondary school in the Free State Province of South Africa.enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United StatesCommunity of enquiryeducation changecollaborative action researchInclusive practiceteacher collaborationResearch Subject Categories::SOCIAL SCIENCES::Social sciences::EducationEducational change and inclusion: lessons from a collaborative action researchArticle