Anessova, AinurKonkasheva, Biganym2017-06-292017-06-292017Anessova, Ainur. Konkasheva, Biganym (2017) GOVERNMENT SUPPORT FOR CHILDREN WITH AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER IN THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN. Nazarbayev University, Graduate School of Public Policy. paper analyzes the current government policies in Kazakhstan related to disability care with specific focus on ASD programs and support. More specifically, the study questions how ASD is classified as a disorder in Kazakhstan, and which criteria professionals and the public use to officially diagnose the disorder and assign disability status to the children involved.enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United Statesgovernment policiesdisability careASD programsResearch Subject Categories::SOCIAL SCIENCES::Social sciences::Political scienceGOVERNMENT SUPPORT FOR CHILDREN WITH AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER IN THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTANMaster's thesis