Zhakupova, Aidana2023-06-272023-06-272023Zhakupova, A. (2023). Alive long friend: How does Meredith Grey’s evolution in Grey’s Anatomy’s screen narrative cultivate a sense of ontological security amongst fans?. School of Sciences and Humanitieshttp://nur.nu.edu.kz/handle/123456789/7258The idea of "ontological security" is becoming popular in recent years since it describes the sense of constancy and continuity that people feel in their lives. This notion becomes particularly relevant to the fans of Grey’s Anatomy because after watching a popular medical drama they feel safe and stable in their daily life. Ontological insecurity is portrayed in the episode in a way that illustrates how people can become uneasy and confused when their core worldviews are questioned. For instance, the characters in Grey's Anatomy constantly encounter and resolve circumstances in which their morality, interpersonal connections, and professional competency are called into question, which causes vulnerability and anxiety. However, fans facing the same situations do not feel vulnerable or anxious in their real life because of Grey’s Anatomy characters, who are role models to them and provide fans with a sense of ontological security.enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United StatesType of access: Restrictedontological securityALIVE LONG FRIEND: HOW DOES MEREDITH GREY’S EVOLUTION IN GREY’S ANATOMY’S SCREEN NARRATIVE CULTIVATE A SENSE OF ONTOLOGICAL SECURITY AMONGST FANS?Capstone Project