Roberts, JillTrenozhnikova, LyudmilaSeaton, LylahPatel, AmiFaza, ColtonWhitaker, JacquelineMayer, ChristenAzizan, Azliyati2015-12-302015-12-302013-04-132050-120X antibiotic resistance among multidrug resistant pathogens necessitates the search for newer antimicrobials. Streptomyces historically produce the largest number of antibacterials and herein we describe isolation of antagonists from extremophiles using unusual culture media. Antagonists or antimicrobials produced under extremophile environmental conditions demonstrated activity against MRSA from Kazakhstan and the United States.enStreptomycesExtremophilesantagonistsantibacterialantibioticsHA-MRSAResearch Subject Categories::MEDICINEBacterial growth in media mimicking the high salt and alkalinity of extreme kazakhstan environments results in production of antimicrobial compounds in soil actinomycetes isolated from these extremophile locationsArticle