Kozhabayeva Kamila2023-11-082023-11-082020Kozhabayeva K. (2020). Welcome Letter from the Editor. NUGSE Research in Education, 5(1), Graduate School of Education.http://nur.nu.edu.kz/handle/123456789/7505This issue is being published in truly unusual times that we, along with the entire world, are forced to experience. The Covid-19 outbreak and the measures taken to tackle this global pandemic have placed humankind in the position of quarantine and self-isolation, peeling away the unnecessary and leaving us with the brutal realization of what truly matters. Naïve and childish as they may seem, the thoughts that come to my mind are nothing but positive and, as much as we need to be realistic, being an educator, I see how a “hopeless” and mildly motivated student can become a fighter and high achiever, given enough support, instructions, and time to reflect. I also believe that optimism is the best way to go. One definite benefit of quarantine and the switch to forced online learning in mainstream schools has been the revelation of certain problems and pitfalls, which are usually not as obvious or tend to be underestimated. Written before the so-called ‘new norm’ of home offices, compulsory online classes, and social distancing, the articles presented in NUGSERIE Volume 5 Issue 1 are now perhaps more relevant than ever before...enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United StatesWELCOME LETTER FROM THE EDITOROther