Viderman, DmitriyNurpeisov, AisaBalabayev, OmirzhanUrunbayev, Yermekde Almeida, GuilhermeBilotta, Federico2021-07-032021-07-032020-10Viderman, D., Nurpeisov, A., Balabayev, O., Urunbayev, Y., de Almeida, G., & Bilotta, F. (2020). Cisto hidático na medula cervical complicada por via aérea difícil com potencial risco de vida: relato de caso. Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology, 70(5), 553–555. cyst in the cervical region is an extremely rare condition that can create challenges for anesthesiologists. Timely recognition of difficult airway and preparing the management plan is crucial to avoid life‐threatening complications such as hypoxic brain damage. We describe a case of difficult airway management in a patient with massive cervical hydatid cyst. We used a low‐dose ketamine‐propofol sedation and lidocaine spray for local oropharyngeal anesthesia. Muscular relaxants were not used, and spontaneous breathing was maintained during intubation. Recognition, assessment, and perioperative planning are essential for difficult airway management in patients with cervical hydatid cyst.otherAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United StatesAirway managementIntratracheal intubationAirway obstructionCystic echinococcosisResearch Subject Categories::MEDICINEType of access: Open AccessHYDATID CYST IN THE CERVICAL SPINAL CORD COMPLICATED BY POTENTIALLY LIFE-THREATENING DIFFICULT AIRWAY: A CASE REPORTArticle