Beznosko, DmitriyBeremkulov, T.Duspayev, A.Iakovlev, A.2016-12-082016-12-082015D. Beznosko, T. Beremkulov, A. Duspayev, A. Iakovlev; 2015; Random Number Hardware Generator Using Geiger-Mode Avalanche Photo Detector; International Conference on New Photo-detectors; main problems with existing hardware random number generators today are either low speed and/or prohibitively high cost. The physical concept and test results of sample data of the high-speed hardware true random number generator design based Hamamatsu MPPC photo sensor are shown. Main features of this concept are the high speed of the true random numbers generation (tens of Mbt/s), miniature size and estimated lower production cost. This allows the use of such a device not only in large companies and government offices but for the end-user data cryptography, in classrooms, in scientific Monte-Carlo simulations, computer games and any other place where large number of true random numbers is required. The physics of the operations principle of using a Geiger-mode avalanche photo detector is briefly discussed and the high quality of the data collected is demonstrated.enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United StatesRandom Number Hardware Generator Using Geiger-Mode Avalanche Photo DetectorConference Paper