Papadimopoulos, AthanasiosKaramanos, TheodosiosTsitsas, NikolaosValagiannopoulos, ConstantinosKantartzis, NikolaosTsiboukis, Theodoros2016-08-082016-08-082016-07Athanasios Papadimopoulos, Theodosios Karamanos, Nikolaos Tsitsas, Constantinos Valagiannopoulos, Nikolaos Kantartzis, and Theodoros Tsiboukis; 2016; A Double-Layer Metamaterial-Based Technique for Interference Mitigation and Shielding of Planar Microwave Structures; META 2016 CONFERENCE. efficient cloaking-shielding technique based on the use of a double superstrate-layer overlay is developed in this paper for planar microstrips. The metamaterial-inspired formulation reduces considerably the induced on the strip current and the reflected from the microstrip electric field, thus alleviating the electromagnetic susceptibility of microstrip transmission lines. For this purpose, the mathematical analysis and optimization procedure are founded on a semianalytic integral equation algorithm, while a set of numerical results certifies its promising meritsenAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United StatesPlanar Microwave StructuresA Double-Layer Metamaterial-Based TechniqueA Double-Layer Metamaterial-Based Technique for Interference Mitigation and Shielding of Planar Microwave StructuresArticle