Thibault, Hélène2016-11-172016-11-172016-01Thibault Hélène, 2016, Female Virtue, Religion and State Ideology in Tajikistan. independence in 1991, Tajikistan’s authorities have been trying to promote a unifying ideology that could inspire the whole nation. Na-tional unity is particularly challenging in this country that has been wounded by a five-year civil war (1992-1997). As religiosity has be-come more prevalent over the years, the authorities have tried to thwart the growth of Islam by promoting a conservative ideology de-void of Islamic content, resting on imagined national traditions, nation-al purity and ancient wisdom. Interestingly, the female figure has be-come increasingly instrumental in the state’s national discourse. Pat-ronizing moral recommendations focus mainly on female clothing and virtue, which have come to embody national values. The role of women in the transmission of family and patriotic values is celebrated, yet dis-courses hide a difficult reality for Tajik women who are deeply affected by poverty, labor migration, and social and state pressure...enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United Statesfemale virtuereligionstate ideology in TajikistanResearch Subject Categories::SOCIAL SCIENCES::Social sciences::Political scienceFemale Virtue, Religion and State Ideology in TajikistanArticle