Mazhit, Birzhan2022-07-202022-07-202022-03Mazhit, B. (2022). Evaluation of Flaxseed Gum Potential in Improving Oil Recovery (Unpublished master's thesis). Nazarbayev University, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan toward greener and more eco-friendly oil and gas industry is one of the major challenges that face today practice. One of the methods to enhance oil production is to use chemicals as part of improved oil recovery or enhanced oil recovery. Therefore, there is a necessity of utilizing environmentally friendly, cheap materials with acceptable performance. This study aims to evaluate the performance of Flaxseed gum in improving the oil recovery. An experimental method was used to analyze to formulate the gel, assess the rheology and oil recovery. The study outcomes proved that flaxseed has potential application in oil recovery. The gel was able to increase the water viscosity to 13 cp. Additionally the salinity and temperature analysis proved an acceptable viscosity for the tested concentration range. Moreover, 12% of oil was recovered by the flaxseed gel in core flooding experiment. The investigation brings the light to the possibility of deploying the flaxseed gum in improving the oil recovery. Keywords: flaxseed gum, EOR, rheology analysis, core floodingenAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United Statesflaxseed gumEORrheology analysiscore floodingType of access: Gated AccessEVALUATION OF FLAXSEED GUM POTENTIAL IN IMPROVING OIL RECOVERYMaster's thesis