Dallmann, J.Phillips, C. B.Teitelbaum, Y.Cifuentes, Edwin Y. SaavedraSund, N.Schumer, R.Arnon, S.Packman, A. I.2022-03-022022-03-022021Dallmann, J., Phillips, C. B., Teitelbaum, Y., Saavedra Cifuentes, E. Y., Sund, N., Schumer, R., Arnon, S., & Packman, A. I. (2021). Bedform segregation and locking increase storage of natural and synthetic particles in rivers. Nature Communications, 12(1). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-27554-4http://nur.nu.edu.kz/handle/123456789/6083While the ecological significance of hyporheic exchange and fine particle transport in rivers is well established, these processes are generally considered irrelevant to riverbed morpho dynamics. We show that coupling between hyporheic exchange, suspended sediment deposition, and sand bedform motion strongly modulates morphodynamics and sorts bed sediments. Hyporheic exchange focuses fine-particle deposition within and below mobile bedforms, which suppresses bed mobility. However, deposited fines are also remobilized by bedform motion, providing a mechanism for segregating coarse and fine particles in the bed. Surprisingly, two distinct end states emerge from the competing interplay of bed stabilization and remobilization: a locked state in which fine particle deposition completely stabilizes the bed, and a dynamic equilibrium in which frequent remobilization sorts the bed and restores mobility. These findings demonstrate the significance of hyporheic exchange to riverbed morphodynamics and clarify how dynamic interactions between coarse and fine particles produce sedimentary patterns commonly found in riversenAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United StatesType of access: Open Accesshyporheic exchangesand bedformBEDFORM SEGREGATION AND LOCKING INCREASE STORAGE OF NATURAL AND SYNTHETIC PARTICLES IN RIVERSArticle