Mirzakhmedova, Saiyora2023-07-212023-07-212023-05Mirzakhmedova, Saiyora (2023) Pre-service Teachers' Understanding of Inclusive Education in Shymkent. Nаzаrbауеv Unіvеrsіtу Grаduаtе Sсhооl оf Еduсаtіоnhttp://nur.nu.edu.kz/handle/123456789/7314This study examines pre-service teachers' understanding of the concept of inclusive education. In recent years, the reform of inclusive education has been actively promoted in Kazakhstan. One of the significant participants in the promotion of inclusive education in educational institutions is teachers. In this regard, the training of future teachers requires for the successful development of inclusion in schools, pre-service teachers need a proper understanding of the values of inclusion. This qualitative study aimed to examine pre-service teachers' understanding of their knowledge, attitudes, and readiness to implement inclusive practices in their future classrooms. This study was conducted using an interpretive research paradigm. A qualitative research method was chosen to explore the research questions in depth....enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United StatesPRE-SERVICE TEACHERS' UNDERSTANDING OF INCLUSIVE EDUCATION IN SHYMKENTMaster's thesis