Knox, ColinYessimova, Sholpan2016-12-222016-12-222015Colin Knox and Sholpan Yessimova; 2015; State-Society Relations: NGOs in Kazakhstan; Journal of Civil Society; has provided the economic exemplar for other Commonwealth of Independent State (CIS) countries since its independence in 1991 following the collapse of the Soviet Union. It has been classified by the World Bank as an ‘upper middle income’ country and witnessed sustained growth in spite of the global recession. Political reforms however have been slower to realise and the Presidential Republic still remains a highly centralised and autocratic regime. Some 23 years beyond independence this paper assesses whether the role played by the NGO sector has changed and, as a consequence, the asymmetric state-society fulcrum has shifted in favour of a stronger societal voice in Kazakhstan. It finds mixed evidence of partnership between NGOs and Government and ongoing problems in exercising public voice and moderating the power of the stateenAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United StatesNGOsKazakhstanState-Society Relations: NGOs in KazakhstanArticle