Linder, Eric V.2019-07-192019-07-192019-03-05Linder, E.V. (2019). No Run Gravity. The 2nd international conference of the Energetic Cosmos Laboratory (ECL) at Nazarbayev University. Retrieved from Cosmos Laboratory. ECL Publication, 2019Considering the dark energy/gravity landscape if next generation surveys of galaxies, cosmic microwave background radiation, and gravitational waves do not find clear modification of gravity, we develop No Run Gravity as a counterexample to the conclusion that this would imply general relativity with an expansion history described by an equation of state w(z). No Run Gravity is a cubic Horndeski theory with a constant Planck mass, no gravitational slip, and no modification of gravitational waves, but a rich phenomenology beyond w(z). We calculate the evolution of gravitational strength, sound speed, and cosmic growth within the theory and project sensitivities for upcoming DESI redshift space distortion data.enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United StatesThe 2nd international conference of the Energetic Cosmos Laboratory (ECL)Energetic Cosmos Laboratory (ECL)ECL19No Run Gravity[Article]Article