Lodhi, Iftikhar2022-03-302022-03-302021Lodhi, I. (2021). Globalisation and public policy: bridging the disciplinary and epistemological boundaries. Policy and Society, 40(4), 522–544. https://doi.org/10.1080/14494035.2021.1987137http://nur.nu.edu.kz/handle/123456789/6103Globalisation, the ever increasing economic and socio-political international interactions, poses challenges to public policy theory and practice. This paper aims to (a) draw an outline of a discussion and research agenda for theorizing the policy process under globalisation, by (b) identifying some theoretical consensus across disciplines and epistemological paradigms. The literature shows a consensus on ‘constrained’ state thesis and that globalisation affects all states through structural pressures as well as the neoliberal discourse. However, policy outcomes vary across states depending on their position in the international power structure and domestic adjustment costs. The paper concludes that policy studies shall focus on the changing functions and organisational forms of the state and explicitly incorporate domestic–international interactions into the theories of the policy process.enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United StatesType of access: Open AccessGlobalizationinternational political economycomparative political economypublic policy processepistemologyGLOBALISATION AND PUBLIC POLICY: BRIDGING THE DISCIPLINARY AND EPISTEMOLOGICAL BOUNDARIESArticle