Kulzhanov, Botirbek2021-06-142021-06-142021-05Kulzhanov, B. (2021). Small Signal Stability Analysis of Renewable Energy Source Based Microgrids (Unpublished master's thesis). Nazarbayev University, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstanhttp://nur.nu.edu.kz/handle/123456789/5461The dyn.am.ic beh.avi.or of the renewable en.ergy so.urce-bas.ed m.icr.ogr.id has been studi.ed in d.eta.il f.or sm.all s.ign.al an.alysis in this r.ese.arch. It is known that dist.urbanc.es in the pow.er syst.em ar.e in.evitable; th.er.ef.or.e, it can also impact the p.erf.ormance of the syst.em. The r.esults fr.om the s.imu.lati.on displ.ay the MG re.lat.ed to issu.es of sm.all-s.ign.al stab.ility. In steady-state c.onditi.ons, all of the stat.es own v.ery g.oo.d transient ch.aract.erist.ics. Many of th.em ar.e crit.ic.ally d.amp.ed; s.om.e ar.e und.erd.amp.ed, and a few ar.e und.amp.ed. Y.et, the syst.em is stable. D.iff.er.ent pow.er-sh.ar.ing p.lans n.ot.iceably infl.uenc.ed the sm.all-s.ign.al stab.ility in MG. The beh.avi.or of E.ig.en V.alu.es in v.arious c.onditi.ons was an.alyz.ed as we.ll.enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United StatesResearch Subject Categories::TECHNOLOGYrenewable energypower systemmicrogridType of access: Gated AccessSMALL SIGNAL STABILITY ANALYSIS OF RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCE BASED MICROGRIDSMaster's thesis