Knox, Colin2017-01-312017-01-312011Colin Knox; 2011; Cohesion, sharing, and integration in Northern Ireland; Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy; devolved government in Northern Ireland pledged to work for a `shared and better future for all' in its Programme for Government 2008 ^ 11. In pursuit of this goal it launched a consultation document entitled Programme for Cohesion, Sharing and Integration which challenged the assumption that division and segregation is a `normal' pattern of living. I locate the policy proposals contained within the new programme in the research on community cohesion in Great Britain. I interrogate, using attitudinal data, people's preferences for the kind of society they want Northern Ireland to become and the policy consequences of their choices. Using two case studies in education and housing, I highlight the benefits of a shared society and question whether Northern Ireland can embrace the core elements of an intercultural society.enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United StatesNorthern IrelandProgramme for Cohesion, Sharing and IntegrationCohesion, sharing, and integration in Northern IrelandArticle