Mook, Dominina2018-05-302018-05-302018-05-23Mook, Dominina. (2018) Preservation and Strengthening of the Health of the Librarian in Modern Conditions. 7th International Conference on Emerging Global Trends in University Library Development (Library Connect 2018)2616-597X combination of features of library labor: the need to quickly and clearly think, analyze and make decisions; communicate with different people, manage an excess of textual information; as well as the instability of the pace and rhythm of work, and the high degree of physical activity poses a number of threats to work and health. The use of modern equipment leads not only to a change in the functional duties of workers, but also to the emergence of sources of danger. And as a result of constant communication with users demonstrating the whole spectrum of psych-emotional states – the threat of stress. New forms of activity affect the psychology and consciousness of people ultimately, changing them. The main goal of labor protection of a librarian is to save the life and health of the librarian in the process of his professional activity.enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United Stateslabor protectionlibrarian healthlibrariansafe worksafety protectionwork placeergonomicsPreservation and Strengthening of the Health of the Librarian in Modern ConditionsArticle