Konings, JozefVandenbussche, Hylke2016-11-182016-11-182009-06Konings Jozef, Vandenbussche Hylke, 2009, Centre for Economic Policy Research; Antidumping protection hurts exporters: firm-level evidence from france. http://nur.nu.edu.kz/handle/123456789/1884http://nur.nu.edu.kz/handle/123456789/1884This paper empirically evaluates the effects of antidumping measures on the exports of protected firms. While antidumping protection raises the domestic sales of the more “traditional” non-exporting firms on the protected market with about 5%, it negatively affects the firm-level exports of similar products as the protected ones. Export sales of protected firms fall by almost 8% compared to a relevant control group of unprotected firms. The drop in firm-level exports more than doubles for firms that are global, i.e. firms with foreign affiliates. Measured at the product-level, extra-EU exports of goods protected by antidumping fall by 36% while exports to target countries fall by as much as 66% following protection. Protection also affects the extensive margin of exporters but to a lesser extent. Initial exporters face a marginally higher probability to stop exporting during protection compared to unprotected firms. Finally, we find that the productivity of exporters falls while that of nonexporters rises during antidumping protection. We offer a number of plausible explanations for our findings arising from the heterogeneous firm literature. We also discuss the importance of our findings for policy.enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United Statesextensive marginfirm-level exportsintensive marginantidumpingdif-in dif and productivityResearch Subject Categories::SOCIAL SCIENCES::Business and economicsAntidumping protection hurts exporters: firm-level evidence from franceInternational trade and regional economicsWorking Paper