Mukhamejanov, Y.Alieva, G.Alimov, D.Kabdrakhimova, G.D.Nassurlla, M.Saduyev, N.Sadykov, B.M.Zholdybayev, T.K.Ismailov, K.M.Kucuk, Y.2021-07-022021-07-022020-01Mukhamejanov, Y., Alieva, G., Alimov, D., Kabdrakhimova, G. D., Nassurlla, M., Saduyev, N., Sadykov, B. M., Zholdybayev, T. K., Ismailov, K. M., & Kucuk, Y. (2020). Investigation of \((p,xp)\) and \((p,x\alpha )\) Reactions of 30-MeV Protons with the \(^{103}\)Rh Nucleus. Acta Physica Polonica B, 51(3), 783. and integral cross sections of the (p, xp) and (p, xα) reactions on the 103Rh nucleus were measured at Ep = 30 MeV using a proton beam delivered by the U-150M cyclotron of the Institute of Nuclear Physics (Almaty, Kazakhstan). A self-sustaining 103Rh foil of 3 µm thickness was used as a target. The obtained experimental results were compared with the TENDL-2019 nuclear data library, which provides the output of the TALYS nuclear model code. We assert that the TENDL-2019 evaluations provide a valid description of the obtained experimental data.enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United StatesResearch Subject Categories::NATURAL SCIENCES::Physicscharged particlesneutronsType of access: Open Accessproton-induced reactionsINVESTIGATION OF (P, XP) AND (P, XΑ) REACTIONS OF 30-MEV PROTONS WITH THE 103RH NUCLEUSArticle