Mukhamedova, NuriyaVurim, AlexandrBaklanova, Yuliya2022-09-082022-09-082022-08Mukhamedova, N. Vurim, A. Baklanova, Y. (2022). Information and analytical system as a method for scientific information processing. National Laboratory Astana management of the large flows of various information cannot be organized without the use of computer information systems (IAS). In scientific and technical applications, the IAS is of particular value, which provide deep analytical processing of data from previous studies or experiments and predicting parameters of new experiments as well as processing and analyzing of their results...enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United StatesType of access: Embargocomputer information systemsinformationINFORMATION AND ANALYTICAL SYSTEM AS A METHOD FOR SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION PROCESSINGAbstract