Bonet, JoséWegner, Sven Ake2017-01-112017-01-112011Bonet, J., & Wegner, S. A. (2011). Bornological projective limits of inductive limits of normed spaces. Functiones et Approximatio, Commentarii Mathematici, 44(2), 227-242. establish a criterion to decide when a countable projective limit of countable inductive limits of normed spaces is bornological. We compare the conditions occurring within our criterion with well-known abstract conditions from the context of homological algebra and with conditions arising within the investigation of weighted PLB-spaces of continuous functions.enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United StatesBornological spacesinductive limitslocally convex spacesprojective limitsweighted spaces of continuous functionsBornological projective limits of inductive limits of normed spacesArticle