Demidenko, Darya2022-08-112022-08-112022-05Demidenko, D. 2022.Present, yet invisible: Avdotya Panaeva as an exemplary case of the realist women writers being shifted to the corner of the Russophone literary canon. School of Sciences and Humanities can hardly study Russophone literature without diving into its classics, which is mostly represented by the realist writers and poets2 . Lermontov, Gogol, Dostoyevsky, Chekhov, Tolstoy, all of these prominent authors belong to the realist movement and constitute an integral part of the Russophone literary canon. Notably, the overwhelming majority of the canonized literary works from the realist period is written by the men writers. Yet there were women writers of the same period, who produced influential writing pieces, as much as were actively involved in the literary circles, their publications seem to receive considerably less attention compared to the men writers.enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United StatesType of access: Open Accesswomen writersRussophone literaryAdvotya PanaevaPRESENT, YET INVISIBLE: AVDOTYA PANAEVA AS AN EXEMPLARY CASE OF THE REALIST WOMEN WRITERS BEING SHIFTED TO THE CORNER OF THE RUSSOPHONE LITERARY CANONCapstone project