Bopurova, Zhamilya2023-07-142023-07-142023-05Zhamilya, Bopurova (2023) Academics and Managers’ Perception and Experience of the Accreditation Process of Educational Programs: a Case of one Kazakhstani University. Nаzаrbауеv Unіvеrsіtу Grаduаtе Sсhооl оf Еduсаtіоn. recent decades, Kazakhstani higher education has witnessed considerable transformations in quality assurance, with accreditation emerging as the foremost external quality assurance mechanism. Notwithstanding the abundance of global research on accreditation, studies focusing on Kazakhstan and other Central Asian nations remain scant. This research seeks to investigate the participation of managerial and academic staff in the accreditation process at a Kazakhstani university, as well as their perceptions of continuous improvement. To provide valuable insights for Kazakhstani universities striving to refine their quality assurance mechanisms in alignment with international accreditation standards, this study employs both Cultural Theory and Institutional Isomorphism theory.enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United StatesACADEMICS AND MANAGERS’ PERCEPTION AND EXPERIENCE OF THE ACCREDITATION PROCESS OF EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS: A CASE OF ONE KAZAKHSTANI UNIVERSITYMaster's thesis