Jonbekova, DilraboSparks, JasonHartley, MatthewKuchumova, Gulfiya2021-02-092021-02-092020-11Jonbekova, D., Sparks, J., Hartley, M., & Kuchumova, G. (2020). Development of university–industry partnerships in Kazakhstan: Innovation under constraint. International Journal of Educational Development, 79, 102291. paper examines university–industry partnerships (UIPs) in Kazakhstan. The study described here explored the kinds of collaborations with industry that universities have undertaken, their purposes and benefits, and the contextual barriers to such partnerships. Our findings suggest that UIPs in Kazakhstan remain weak and are largely limited to employers’ involvement in teaching, the provision of internships for students, and technical consultancies. We argue that the goal of policy makers to develop robust research partnerships that contribute to innovation and economic growth is constrained by heavy faculty teaching loads, poor institutional support for research, constant reforms in the higher education system, and little consistency in the priorities of the fast-changing Ministers of Education.enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United Statesuniversity-industry partnershipsHigher educationEmployer engagementInnovationKazakhstanResearch Subject Categories::SOCIAL SCIENCES::Social sciences::EducationDEVELOPMENT OF UNIVERSITY–INDUSTRY PARTNERSHIPS IN KAZAKHSTAN: INNOVATION UNDER CONSTRAINTArticle