Mynbayev, N. A.Goldberg, V.Z.Nurmukhanbetova, A.K.Rogachev, G.V.Golovkov, M.S.Dzubin, V.Zdoroves, M.V.Koloberdin, M.Ivanov, I.2015-11-022015-11-022013 astrophysics, nuclear reactions play a great role in understanding the formation of our universe.The reaction 13C(α,n)16O is considered to be the main source of neutrons for the s process at low temperatures in low mass stars in the asymptotic giant branch. Many problems exist in analyzing this reaction using conventional experimental methods; therefore, we aimed to obtain and analyze data from the a +13C resonance elastic scattering reaction at small angles and low energies using Thick Target Inverse Kinematic method (TTIK) at heavy ion accelerator DC-60.enfirst research weekastrophysicsDAQ systemStudy of the A+13C interaction at heavy ION acceleration DC-60Abstract