Forêt, Philippe2016-11-232016-11-232003Forêt Philippe, 2003, Chronos Verlag; Railroad literature on suitable places : How the Japanese government railways forged an "old China" travel culture. empirical study on advertising campaigns and the art of running trains in distant places finds its theoretical significance in a view of history where real and imagined geographies interact. The railroad companies of the Japanese Empire did much more than transport passengers and carry freight: their express trains embodied a particular view of a world centered on racial, nationalist and dynastic myths. Modernity as ideology and the everyday experience of colonialism combined in Manchuria to generate a particular perception of China as a decadent and romantic culture.enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United StatesManchuria (1905-1945)Manchoukuo (1932-1945)South Manchuria Railway CompanyMinami Manshû Tetsudô (SMR, Mantetsu)Mukden (Shenyang, China)travel literaturetourism industryJapanese colonialismorientalismResearch Subject Categories::HUMANITIES and RELIGION::Religion/Theology::History of religionRailroad literature on suitable places : How the Japanese government railways forged an "old China" travel cultureBook chapter