Goertz, Rainer2016-04-052016-04-052015http://nur.nu.edu.kz/handle/123456789/1365Let me start with a brief story: “In the early morning a school inspector drives his car to a village in order to visit a village school. Half the way and amid open fields the motor of his car fails. For having no technical skills the school inspector looks for help. After some while a ten year old boy comes along the road from the direction the inspector has to go. After the boy knows about the problem of the car he opens the bonnet and works a little bit at the carburetor. Minutes later the motor starts again and runs smoothly. The school inspector admires the performance of the young boy but asked him: “Why are you talented boy not at school?” The boy answers: “You must know: Today our school inspector will come to our school. Therefore my teacher has sent all less good students home in order to make a good impression!”enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United StatesEHELFEurasian Higher Education Leaders’ ForumSkills, employability and university graduates?Article