Momeni, DavoodFaizal, MirAlsaleh, SalwaAlasfar, LinaMyrzakul, AizhanMyrzakulov, Ratbay2020-03-312020-03-312018Momeni, D., Faizal, M., Alsaleh, S. et al. Thermodynamic and holographic information dual to volume. Eur. Phys. J. C 78, 765 (2018). this paper, we will analyze the connection between the fidelity susceptibility, the holographic complexity and the thermodynamic volume. We will regularize the fidelity susceptibility and the holographic complexity by subtracting the contribution of the background AdS spacetime from the deformation of the AdS spacetime. It will be demonstrated that this regularized fidelity susceptibility has the same behavior as the thermodynamic volume and that the regularized complexity has a very different behavior....enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United StatesThermodynamic and holographic information dual to volumeArticle