Akhmetova, MaralOrazymbetova, ZhuldyzNuralina, MaralMetzger, LawrenceYap, Joseph M.Dautova, AnarTendik, Yermekpayeva2019-06-112019-06-112019-06-06Akhmetova M., Orazymbetova Z. & Nuralina M. (2019). The Participation of S. Seifullin KazATU Science Library in the Project of International Program Erasmus +: Experiences and Prospects. The 8th International Conference on Emerging Global Trends in University Library Development (ICEGTULD 2019), 102-108.http://nur.nu.edu.kz/handle/123456789/3893The purpose of this paper is to document the project implementation of the international program Erasmus + “DIREKT: Developing Trans-Regional Information Literacy for Lifelong Learning and the Knowledge Economy” based on Saken Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University Science Library. It describes the impact of the project at the individual and institutional level and the first piloting results. The goal of the project is to promote the Bologna process through the development of Information Literacy Competency of students, teachers, researchers, employees of science libraries and the integration of these competencies into educational programs.ruAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United StatesResearch Subject Categories::SOCIAL SCIENCES::Other social sciences::Library and information scienceinformation literacyErasmus+ projectlibrariansscience librarylifelong learningThe Participation of S. Seifullin KazATU Science Library in the Project of International Program Erasmus +: Experiences and ProspectsArticle