2019-07-102019-07-102019-06-06The 8th International Conference on Emerging Global Trends in University Library Development (ICEGTULD 2019) part 2. (2019) [streaming video]http://nur.nu.edu.kz/handle/123456789/3961Streaming video of ICEGTULD 2019 conference. Part 2The 8th International Conference on Emerging Global Trends in University Library Development (ICEGTULD 2019) is an annual library conference attached to the Eurasian Higher Education Leaders Forum (EHELF). Formerly, it is also called Library Connect. This year, the theme is University Library Services and Resources for Research and Innovation with focus on ensuring effective information and library services for research and innovation in a modern university by maximizing the use of all the resources available in the library.ruAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United StatesICEGTULD 2019ICEGTULDvideoconferenceThe 8th International Conference on Emerging Global Trends in University Library Development (ICEGTULD). Part 2. (2019) [streaming video]The 8th International Conference on Emerging Global Trends in University Library Development. Part 2Video