Syzdykbayeva, Rizagul2016-07-012016-07-01NUGSE ReseSyzdykbayeva, R. (2016). The role of languages in developing plurilingual identities in Kazakhstan. NUGSE Research in Education, 1(1), 15-19. Retrieved from is a multicultural country that conducts democratic policy towards every ethnic group living there; therefore, major language policy documents raise the importance of maintaining and developing all languages in Kazakhstan. Moreover, raising Kazakh, Russian and English speaking plurilinguals is seen as a key factor for establishing peace and reciprocity among all nations. This paper reviews how language policies contribute to the development of plurilingual individuals in Kazakhstan, and analyzes their role as major drivers for promoting a multilingual society. It also focuses on language policies along with ensuing initiatives through the lenses of historic roots, socio- political context, and outcomes.enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United Statesplurilingual identitieslanguage policiesmultilingual societymulticultural societyResearch Subject Categories::SOCIAL SCIENCES::Social sciences::EducationThe role of language policies in developing plurilingual identities in kazakhstanArticle