Imanbayev, KhalelMakishev, AbayZhagiparov, MuratMcLoone, Pauline2020-05-192020-05-192018Imanbayev, K., Makishev, A., Zhagiparov, M., & McLoone, P. (2018). Non-Melanoma Skin Cancers at Sites of Previous Frostbite: Case Report and Review. Case Reports in Dermatology, 10(1), 17–23. association between ultraviolet radiation exposure and skin cancer is well established. Limited studies have reported an association between frostbite and the development of non-melanoma skin cancer but evidence for a proven link is insufficient and possible carcinogenic mechanisms have not been fully explored. In this report, 3 cases of non-melanoma skin cancer (1 case of basal cell carcinoma and 2 cases of squamous cell carcinoma of the skin) which developed at a site of previous frostbite caused by exposure to extremely cold temperatures in Astana, the capital city of Kazakhstan, are described.enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United Statesskin cancerultraviolet radiationNon-Melanoma Skin CancersCarcinogenesisFrostbiteCold injuryResearch Subject Categories::MEDICINENon-Melanoma Skin Cancers at Sites of Previous Frostbite: Case Report and ReviewArticle