Turanova, Aigerim2024-07-102024-07-102024-05-21Turanova, A. (2024). Towards Becoming Ideal Multilingual Self: A Narrative Inquiry into Language Learning, Personal Investment and Identity Formation. Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Educationhttp://nur.nu.edu.kz/handle/123456789/8107The present narrative study focuses on the journey towards constructing an ideal multilingual self through an in-depth analysis of the relationship between the notion of language learning being intertwined with personal investment and the development of identity. As multilingualism is increasingly valued in our globalized world, it is recognized as a critical asset that develops the individual both culturally and intellectually. Despite the large amount of research on multilingualism, the specific processes of acquiring skills that incorporate both linguistic and cultural diversity are poorly understood. This research is directed to reveal the hidden motives, challenges, and changes experienced by the language learners. Using qualitative methods, particularly narrative essays and semi-structured interviews, the research explores the detailed, unique and rich personal stories of the participants, their personal career, emotion and time based personal investments and their identity transformations.enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United StatesType of access: Embargolanguage learningmultilingualismIdeal Multilingual Selfpersonal investmentidentity transformationlanguage learnersTOWARDS BECOMING IDEAL MULTILINGUAL SELF: A NARRATIVE INQUIRY INTO LANGUAGE LEARNING, PERSONAL INVESTMENT AND IDENTITY FORMATIONMaster's thesis