Howell, C. A.Sandeman, S. R.Zheng, Y.Mikhalovsky, S. V.Nikolaev, V. G.Sakhno, L. A.Snezhkova, E. A.2017-01-062017-01-062016-02-01Howell, C. A., Sandeman, S. R., Zheng, Y., Mikhalovsky, S. V., Nikolaev, V. G., Sakhno, L. A., & Snezhkova, E. A. (2016). New dextran coated activated carbons for medical use. Carbon, 97, 134-146. DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2015.09.042 carbon (AC) can be used for blood purification (hemoperfusion) to treat a range of conditions by direct perfusion of blood through an adsorbent column. The clinical effects of hemoperfusion relate to the AC adsorptive capacity, and any inflammatory response generated by direct blood contact.enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United StatescarbonResearch Subject Categories::TECHNOLOGY::Engineering physicsNew dextran coated activated carbons for medical useArticle