O'Donnell, Loretta2015-08-052015-08-052014-06http://nur.nu.edu.kz/handle/123456789/284"A successful university, especially a world-class research university, requires at least three elements working interdependently: talent, governance and resources (Altbach, 2011:3). The focus of this paper is on the first element. Academic talent is an essential condition for success.This talent is more successful when it is enhanced and liberated through well-designed management systems. The role of the faculty in successful universities cannot be discussed without understanding the role of students. Primozic (2014) observes that students want to be educated, inspired and informed. They see themselves as students, not as clients. He notes that students seek empowerment and mobility opportunities, and require deep and active learning. Students seek increased accountability and autonomy, while also requiring mutual respect and a sense of equal partnership.'' --enResearch Subject Categories::SOCIAL SCIENCES::Social sciences::Education::International educationsuccessful universityfaculty's perspectivesleadership practiceslearning capacityTHE ROLE OF FACULTY IN CREATING A SUCCESSFUL UNIVERSITYArticle