Algazina, T.Yermekbayeva, B.Batpenova, G.Kozhakhmetov, S.Kushugulova, A.2020-11-262020-11-262020 to the world health organization, the prevalence of psoriasis in the world is about 2%. However, according to a number of studies, this figure is significantly higher in developed countries and can range from 4.6 to 7%. According to official statistics in the Republic of Kazakhstan, psoriasis takes the third place in the structure of dermatoses, giving way to eczema, associated with this ailment of allergic skin diseases and mycoses. Moreover, the majority of patients diagnosed for the first time in their life are people aged 16 to 30 years. The aim of the study was to evaluate the clinical effect of Mare’s milk in the complex treatment of psoriasis patients of mild and moderate severity. The study included 20 patients with mild to moderate psoriasis, whose average age was 34.95±4.11years. In addition to standard psoriasis therapy, patients received freeze-dried Mare’s milk at 60 mg / day for 12weeks. Evaluation of the effectiveness of Mare’s milk was carried out using the dynamics of the Psoriasis Area Severity Index (PASI). Evaluation of the effectiveness of including Mare’s milk in standard therapy for psoriasis was carried out taking into account the dynamics of the dermatological status at the 6th and 12th weeks of treatment: a decrease in the PASI index by 68% and 88% (p=0.0003), respectively. In general, the dynamics of the overall PASI index for mild psoriasis decreased PASI from 10±0.62to 3.52±0.7, with an average severity of 29.51±0.7 to 3.05±0.5. The degree of severity of individual components of the psoriatic process – erythema, infiltration and peeling decreased. Complex therapy of psoriasis with the inclusion of Mare’s milk, which has a prebiotic and immunomodulating effect, to the standard therapy of psoriasis, helps to achieve an earlier and more stable resolution of the skin manifestations of the disease.enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United StatesResearch Subject Categories::MEDICINEpsoriasisindex PASIMare’s milkCLINICAL EVALUATION OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF MARE’S MILK IN PSORIASISAbstract