Adair, DesmondJaeger, Martin2022-07-142022-07-142020Adair, D., & Jaeger, M. (2020). In-Plane Free Vibration Analysis of a Scimitar-Type Rotating Curved Beam Using the Adomian Modified Decomposition Method. Mathematical and Computational Applications, 25(4), 68. in-plane vibrations of a scimitar-type nonprismatic rotating curved beam, with a variable cross-section and increasing sweep along the leading edge, are calculated using an innovative, efficient and accurate solver called the Adomian modified decomposition method (AMDM). The equation of motion includes the axial force resulting from centrifugal stiffening, and the boundary conditions imposed are those of a cantilever beam, i.e., clamped-free and simple-free. The AMDM allows the governing differential equation to become a recursive algebraic equation suitable for symbolic computation, and, after additional simple mathematical operations, the natural frequencies and corresponding closed-form series solution of the mode shapes are obtained simultaneously. Two main advantages of the application of the AMDM are its fast convergence rate to a solution and its high degree of accuracy. The design shape parameters of the beam, such as transitioning from a straight beam pattern to a curved beam pattern, are investigated. The accuracy of the model is investigated using previously reported investigations and using an innovative error analysis procedure.enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United StatesType of access: Open Accessnon-prismatic beamAdomian modified decomposition methodrotationcurved beamerror analysisIN-PLANE FREE VIBRATION ANALYSIS OF A SCIMITAR-TYPE ROTATING CURVED BEAM USING THE ADOMIAN MODIFIED DECOMPOSITION METHODArticle