Savina, Irina N.Ingavle, Ganesh C.Cundy, Andrew B.Mikhalovsky, Sergey V.2017-01-042017-01-042016-02-17Savina, I. N., Ingavle, G. C., Cundy, A. B., & Mikhalovsky, S. V. (2016). A simple method for the production of large volume 3D macroporous hydrogels for advanced biotechnological, medical and environmental applications. Scientific Reports, 6, [21154]. DOI: 10.1038/srep21154 development of bulk, three-dimensional (3D), macroporous polymers with high permeability, large surface area and large volume is highly desirable for a range of applications in the biomedical, biotechnological and environmental areas. The experimental techniques currently used are limited to the production of small size and volume cryogel material. In this work we propose a novel, versatile, simple and reproducible method for the synthesis of large volume porous polymer hydrogels by cryogelation.enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States3D macroporous hydrogelsA simple method for the production of large volume 3D macroporous hydrogels for advanced biotechnological, medical and environmental applicationsArticle