Inglezakis, V.Rojas-Solorzano, L.Kim, J.R.Kystauova, A.Shorakyzy, G.2015-10-302015-10-302013 population of Astana, Kazakhstan, generates more than 1,100 tons of municipal solid waste daily and they are deposited mostly without preliminary separation or other treatment in open dumps.Rapid growth of Astana population and ineffective waste management leads to the formation of illegal dumping. This leads to deterioration of sanitary and environmental conditions of the city. This project considers the possibility of depositing high organic content waste in engineered landfills or incineration plants for electricity and heat generation purposes. The objective of this research project is to assess and compare the landfill gas (LFG) and waste incineration (WI) solutions in terms of technical, environmental, and economic performance at a pre-feasibility level.enfirst research weeklandfill gaswaste incinerationenvironmental problemsComparison between landfill gas and waste incineration for power generation in AstanaAbstract