Tastanbek Serikbolsyn, Kazymbek Aigerim, Kalizhanova Zarina, Kaipova Dinara2023-11-082023-11-082023Tastanbek S., Kazymbek A., Kalizhanova Z., Kaipova D. (2023) Changes in teachers’ attitudes towards translanguaging. Graduate School of Educationhttp://nur.nu.edu.kz/handle/123456789/7508Teachers have different views toward translanguaging, which is a pedagogical approach that has garnered significant attention over the last decade. This study investigates the changes in attitudes towards translanguaging off our teachers doing a master’s degree program in Kazakhstan through autoethnography. The findings revealed that the teachers’ present attitudes were formed either during their teaching practice or while studying at graduate school. Some participants’ attitudes were negative when they were teaching, and they mainly associated translanguaging with low language competence and a deficient level of education. However, after a year of studying, the participants changed their attitudes into one that was more positive since they understood the value and benefits of translanguaging. The study suggests that the MA program has the potential to be a good platform for the development of teachers’ plurilingual competence and their appreciation of student plurilingualism…enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United Statestype of access: open accesstranslanguaging in pedagogyteacher positionsteacher attitudesteacher beliefsplurilingual competenceCHANGES IN TEACHERS’ ATTITUDES TOWARDS TRANSLANGUAGINGArticle