Bello, Mohammed Nasiru2023-08-092023-08-092023-04Bello, M. N. (2023). Synthesis, Characterization, and Assessment of a Novel CuO-SiO2-Montmorillonite-Thiazine Nanocomposite for Recovery of a Paraffinic Heavy Oil from Berea Sandstone: Impact on IFT, Wettability Shift, and Oil Recovery. School of Mining and Geosciences 3.0 United StatesType of access: EmbargoNovel Cuo-Sio2-Montmorillonite-Thiazine Nanocompositeparaffinic heavy oilberea sandstoneSYNTHESIS, CHARACTERIZATION, AND ASSESSMENT OF A NOVEL CUO-SIO2-MONTMORILLONITE-THIAZINE NANOCOMPOSITE FOR RECOVERY OF A PARAFFINIC HEAVY OIL FROM BEREA SANDSTONE: IMPACT ON IFT, WETTABILITY SHIFT, AND OIL RECOVERYMaster's thesis