Zhenisbekova, Leila2024-06-272024-06-272024-04-26Zhenisbekova, L. (2024). The peneplain in the Karatau mountains in Southern Kazakhstan: its possible age and age of tilting. Nazarbayev University School of Mining and Geosciences.http://nur.nu.edu.kz/handle/123456789/8062This thesis proposal centers on the Karatau mountain range in southern Kazakhstan, characterized by its young Alpine features and where ancient Paleozoic rocks with a well-documented Hercynian deformation history are exposed. Hercynian deformation history is extensively studied by Abdulin et al. (1986a), Allen et al. (2001), and Alexeyev et al. (2009, 2017). Despite this attention, the Alpine deformation history of the region remains relatively understudied. The presence of a peneplain on top of the significant parts of the Karatau mountains, offers a unique opportunity for exploration. This peneplain shows a distinct southwest tilt and is intersected by the Main Karatau Fault in the northeast. Its presence is a prospect for uncovering insights into the local Alpine deformation history, understanding Earth's geological history, past geomorphological processes and their implications for resource exploration. This thesis is aimed to create a detailed structural contour map of the peneplain with the help of topographic maps at scales 1:25000, 1:100000, and 1:200000. The study also includes the generation of cross-sections to analyze the structural characteristics of the peneplain. Additionally, the thesis conducts a comprehensive review of the Alpine deformation history of the Karatau range, discussion on the age and composition of the peneplain, its sedimentary cover and the potential effects of Alpine deformation on these sediments. For further studies recent seismic activity is examined too.enPeneplainMain Karatau FaultKaratau mountainstiltingageType of access: RestrictedTHE PENEPLAIN IN THE KARATAU MOUNTAINS IN SOUTHERN KAZAKHSTAN: ITS POSSIBLE AGE AND AGE OF TILTINGBachelor's thesis