Orynbassarova, Dilara2023-09-252023-09-252021-07Orynbassarova, D. M. (2021). Mapping interactions of university-industry-government partnerships in research: bibliometric and mixed methods social network analysis of patents in Kazakhstan during 1993-2018. Graduate School of Educationhttp://nur.nu.edu.kz/handle/123456789/7436This study aims to map the interaction of university, industry, and government (UIG) partnerships in research in Kazakhstan and pursues two major goals. First, the research aims to analyze the patterns of UIG partnerships in research, and identify factors that may stimulate or constrain them. To analyze the patterns of UIG interactions, the study aims to understand to what extent UIG actors participate in research co-patenting, and how they contribute to joint research patenting in Kazakhstan; and employs co-patent data as the measurement of UIG research collaborations. Second, via identifying the factors that stimulate and constrain UIG to partner in research, the study identifies the motives for revealed patterns and benefits of UIG research collaborations in the context of Kazakhstan. The concepts of social network analysis (SNA) along with the model of the triple helix are used to explain the UIG interactions in joint research. The mixed-methods study is conducted in three phases composed of a) a bibliometric study (Phase 1), and b) a social network quantitative (Phase 2) and qualitative study (Phase 3). The results indicate the underdevelopment of research partnerships between UIG participants in Kazakhstan. In comparison to many bilateral co-patent collaborations, there has been found very little tripartite collaboration among UIG participants. Both quantitative and qualitative results suggest the prevalence of the etatistic model of UIG in Kazakhstan, where the government takes the initiative and leadership in establishing UIG partnerships in research by contributing to the science core, and stimulating research and development through governmental funding and programs (OECD, 2013). The joint partnerships in research remain weak, and are mainly constrained by such factors as shortage of resources, inadequate coordination mechanisms, lack of interest by industry, lack of mutual trust, complex bureaucracy, and weak patent commercialization and implementation processes. The study inputs multiple contributions to research and policy. The study proposes insights for policy; and adds to the international and national empirical literature on UIG partnerships, including the triple helix and social network analysis. The study examines UIG interactions through an unexplored framework of SNA relational property using qualitative component. By connecting the network structure with an actor perspective, the study holistically constructs & maps UIG relationship patterns utilizing both structural & relational properties. It empirically examines the triple helix application & synergy in the context of the Post-Soviet region, and provides the context specific impeding factors to adapting the TH model.enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United StatesType of access: RestrictedUIG partnershipspatentsresearch and developmenttriple helixbibliometricsMAPPING INTERACTIONS OF UNIVERSITY-INDUSTRY-GOVERNMENT PARTNERSHIPS IN RESEARCH: BIBLIOMETRIC AND MIXED METHODS SOCIAL NETWORK ANALYSIS OF PATENTS IN KAZAKHSTAN DURING 1993-2018PhD thesis