Raiymkulov, Ilyas2024-06-272024-06-272024-04-26Raiymkulov, I. (2024). Soil infiltration in Astana city as a part of German-Kazakh research project “Urban water management - German expertise for Kazakh cities (TERESA). Nazarbayev University School of Mining and Geoscienceshttp://nur.nu.edu.kz/handle/123456789/8060In the given work, the soil infiltration rate of Astana city (Yesil River Basin) was studied to see the suitability of the city to apply sustainable urban drainage system in the studied area. During the work, the formation of groundwater systems was examined. Methodology of the measurements were provided using different tests. Soil texture was indicated as Silty clay.enType of access: RestrictedInfiltration rateYesil River BasinAstana citySoilSoil infiltrationSUDSSustainable Urban Drainage SystemMARManaged Aquifer RechargeGroundwaterWater supplyundergroundwaterSOIL INFILTRATION IN ASTANA CITY AS A PART OF GERMAN-KAZAKH RESEARCH PROJECT “URBAN WATER MANAGEMENT - GERMAN EXPERTISE FOR KAZAKH CITIES (TERESA)”.Инфильтрация почвы в городе Астана в рамках немецко-казахстанского исследовательского проекта “Управление городскими водными ресурсами - немецкий опыт для городов Казахстана (TERESA)”.Bachelor's thesis